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Witness appeal following assault in Cambridge

POLICE are appealing for information following reports that a woman was assaulted in Cambridge last Monday (1 January).

The incident happened at about 3am in Milton’s Walk.

The victim, a woman in her 20s, was on the edge of Christ's Pieces when a man approached her from behind and assaulted her.

A struggle took place, in which the victim bit the offender, before members of the public intervened and scared the man off.

Detective Sergeant Gavin Sylvester said: “The girl is extremely distraught by what happened.

“I’d like to thank the members of public who stepped up and assisted the victim when they spotted inappropriate behaviour.

“I would urge anyone who may have seen the man, who would have had an injured hand following the incident, or know who is responsible to contact police immediately.”

The man is described as white and wearing dark jeans, a long coat, with a hood, and dark shoes.

Anyone with information should call police on 101 quoting CF0000450118 or visit www.cambs.police.uk/report. Alternatively, contact Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555111 or via www.crimestoppers-uk.org.

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