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Terrorists Sentenced To 44 Years After HMP Whitemoor Attack

Two inmates found guilty of trying to murder a prison officer in a terrorist attack in Cambridgeshire have been sentenced to a combined total of 44 years.

25-year-old Brusthom Ziamani and Baz Hockton, who’s 26, targeted their victim in January at Whitemoor jail.

They used makeshift bladed weapons and a fake suicide belt after luring Neil Trundle to a store cupboard.

Speaking outside the court, Richard Smith, the Head of the Metropolitan Police's Counter Terrorism Command said, "This was a callous attack on somebody at work and I have to pay tribute to his courage and the courage of his colleagues who came to his rescue and put their own lives at risk in doing so.

"They were extraordinarily brave in confronting these two very dangerous men."

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