Teenager handed football banning order

A TEENAGER has been given a three year football banning order for throwing a smoke bomb into the away stand at Cambridge United’s football ground.

During a match against Colchester on March 4, the 17-year-old from Ipswich, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was arrested for possessing a flare at a sporting event.

On March 22, at Huntingdon Youth Court, the boy pleaded guilty and was sentenced to the banning order which prevents him from attending any football matches in the UK, as well as England matches abroad, for three years.

He will also be restricted from visiting specific areas of Colchester during home games and going within five miles of the away matches.

PC Mark Wood said: “The deployment of these devices can cause considerable issues to fans, particularly those with asthma or breathing difficulties and there’s also a serious threat to fire safety

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