Teenage boy stabbed in Thetford attack

Photo: Emergency services called to Thetford on Wednesday

A police investigation has launched after a teenage boy was stabbed in Thetford.

The incident happened on Exeter Way at about 11.50pm on Wednesday 24 July 2024 when a group of approximately ten people dressed in black and carrying knives approached the victim and stabbed him in the leg and hit him in the head.

Emergency services were on scene, and the victim, a teenage boy, was taken to hospital by ambulance; he has now been released and is recovering.

Two men in their 20s have been arrested on suspicion of assault (GBH) and possession of an offensive weapon.

Detective Sergeant Mark Tate:

"We know this incident may have caused some concern in the community and we will be conducting reassurance patrols in the area.

"Enquiries are continuing into the circumstances surrounding the incident and we would be keen to hear from anyone who can help with our investigation."

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