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Serious Collision in Newmarket

A man has been taken to hospital having sustained a serious head injury following a road traffic collision in Newmarket.

The incident occurred at around 5.45am this morning, Wednesday 31 January, on the A1304 Barbara Stradbroke Avenue. Police, fire and ambulance crews were all in attendance.

A blue Ford Fiesta and a white BMW 120 were involved in a collision near the junction with Hamilton Road. The driver of the Ford Fiesta has been taken to Addenbrooke’s Hospital having sustained serious injuries.

The road is currently closed between the junctions with the B1061 Dullingham Road and the roundabout  at the A1303 whilst a collision investigation takes place.

Any witnesses to this incident are asked to contact the Serious Collision Investigation Team on 101 quoting reference CAD 19 of 31 January.

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