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Second warning to South Cambs District Council over 4-day week

The Department for Levelling Up has concerns around the authority's performance.

The Liberal Democrat controlled council introduced the four-day week trial for desk-based staff at the start of 2023. It was later expanded to include the workforce who empty residents' bins.

Staff receive full pay but work less hours, they are however expected to complete all of their work in that time.

The authority started the trial to see if it could help with staff recruitment and retention, as they were experiencing problems.

The first 'Best Value Notice' as they're called, was issued by the government to the district council in November 2023.

The government's letter says it has 'ongoing concerns' around the trial:

"The authority is not yet fully analysing the long-term impacts of the trial and future decisions on the trial remain unknown.

The removal of up to a fifth of the capacity of the authority means that it is unlikely, in aggregate, for it to be able to support continuous improvement.

In insisting on continuing the trial, the working arrangements chosen by the authority could impact on the delivery of its Best Value Duty".

Officials said that as the district council is continuing the trial, it wants to see additional details around the impact of the four-day week on individual employee activity.

Councillor Bridget Smith, leader of South Cambridgeshire District Council said: 

"The data and evidence we've seen so far shows how the four-day week is having a positive impact on many parts of the council – and lots of the services we provide to local people.

For example, our ability to recruit and retain planning officers has dramatically improved. This means a smoother service for anyone who sends in a planning application as it can be dealt with by the same planner from start to finish.

The government highlights in their letter how we have engaged constructively with their data requests so far. We will continue to do so.

Performance data we've collected during the trial is being analysed, and councillors will also review this data at a full council meeting in July".

Councillor Heather Williams, leader of the Conservative opposition group at the district council said the latest notice could have been avoided if the leadership had ended the four-day week trial.

She also questioned why the authority was "continuing to defy government warnings".

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