The first phase of the £537,000 scheme is due to take place between Monday 13 February and Monday 20 February at B1514 Main Street and Longstaff Way in Hartford.
To minimise disruption, works will take place overnight between 8pm and 6am, including over the weekend. The B1514 will be closed between the A141 and Huntingdon ring road during these times.
The second phase will focus on Huntingdon ring road and is due to start on Monday, 6 March and finish on Wednesday, 15 March. During this period Huntingdon ring road will be closed from 9pm to 6am, between the junction of George Street and Hartford Road.
The works are needed as Main Street, Longstaff Way and Huntingdon ring road have not been resurfaced for many years and will improve the surface for all road users.
Signed diversion routes will be in place to advise drivers of the alternative route around the road closures. Advanced warning signs will be put out a minimum of 14 days before the works start.
Residents will still be able to access their properties if they live within the boundaries of the roadworks but there may be slight delays at times depending on what element of the work is being undertaken, and the availability of a traffic management vehicle to safely escort the public.