Police Want Our Views On Milton Hub Plans

Cambridgeshire Constabulary is to hold a consultation on proposals for a new police station on the outskirts of Milton.

In February the Constabulary consulted on proposals to replace the outdated facilities at Parkside Police Station with both a new city centre police station and a hub on the outskirts of Cambridge.

In total the Constabulary considered 22 sites, most recently in June 2020, and after assessing a number of criteria including availability, ecology issues, access and infrastructure, a site next to the Park & Ride facility in Milton was considered the best option.

It will be a base for the local community policing team and will enable the police to respond to local population growth and the challenges of modern-day policing.

The consultation will commence at 9am on 1 July and end at 5pm on 31 July.

The Constabulary has a consultation website for the community to get involved and provide feedback on the proposals for the Milton site.

There will also be a virtual exhibition (due to social distancing guidelines and government advice) to answer questions and hear feedback. This includes a series of live chats through the website which will be held on:

Saturday 4th July 10am to 12pm
Thursday 9th July 5pm to 7pm
Wednesday 15th July 12pm to 2pm
Tuesday 21st July from 5pm to 7pm
Saturday 25th July from 10am to 12pm
Thursday 30th July from 12pm to 2pm

More details on a proposed city centre police station are due to released soon.

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