A Haverhill councillor has said a scheme to support the market has come "too late".
The council responsible for Haverhill is considering plans to help local markets through "a transition period" and support their future development.
The £300,000 "Market Matters" development plan is designed to "empower vendors, attract more visitors, and ultimately create a vibrant marketplace that benefits everyone."
At a council meeting, Councillor Joe Mason, who represents Haverhill, welcomed the funding, but warned it was too late.
Councillor Joe Mason:
"My main concern is the 13 months have been wasted sitting on an old market review — this should’ve been delivered much earlier in the year and, for me, it just feels like it’s an opportunity wasted.
"Talking to traders and high street shops, I don’t think they feel particularly listened to and, anecdotally, not even particularly treated very well."
The council’s own survey found many were dissatisfied with the local markets, with the biggest concern being the lack of stalls.
The proposed £300,000, which will be partly funded through the council’s reserves (£290,000) and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund (£10,000), will be used to employ additional market officers and admin support, develop funding to support initiatives, and marketing resources.
The initiative will also be under continuous review to make sure measures are successful with the possibility of changing approaches if needed.