Noisy Neighbour Has Music Kit Confiscated

Cambridge City Council investigates noise complaints by visiting premises and use of remote monitoring technologies such as ‘The Noise App’ and Noise Nuisance Recorders.  

On 4th March council officers served a noise abatement notice on Mr DG Alexander of Whitehill Road in Abbey ward, following an investigation into noise complaints and officers determining a statutory nuisance under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.  
The resident ignored the abatement notice and continued to play extremely loud music, including breaching the notice later on that same evening.  
As a result of the breach, the council obtained a warrant from magistrates and on the 11 March attended the property with police and seized two stereos, speakers and a guitar. 
Councillor Rosy Moore, Cambridge City Council’s Executive Councillor for Climate Change, Environment and City Centre said: “We take complaints of noise nuisance very seriously as noisy neighbours can cause serious health problems through stress and sleep disturbance. 
“This case illustrates that we will take swift action against those who ignore the warnings and continue to make their neighbours lives a misery.” 

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