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New research building approved in Cambridge

The facility will replace several disused buildings

The three-storey research facility will be built in Cheddars Lane, just off Newmarket Road.

It will replace a number of redundant buildings that planning officers said were in “poor condition” and needed to be redeveloped.

A representative of the developer, GRC Camprop Eleven Ltd, told Cambridge City Council that the new building would be a “positive addition” to Cheddars Lane.

They said the building had been “carefully designed” to prevent it from being “overbearing” on the nearby homes.

They also said the development was intended to be car free, and said it would create additional job space, which they said there was “significant demand” for.

Concerns were raised by a neighbour to the site about the increased number of people travelling to the area.

Another neighbour said they and others had also been approached by the developer to buy their properties and said they had been told further development was planned.

Councillor Katie Porrer said she did have a concern about the design of the building explaining that she did not think the staggered levels stepped up “convincingly” and said she would prefer to not be “quite so brutal”.

Councillor Dave Baigent said he thought the proposed building was in keeping with the area.

Councillor Katie Thornburrow and Councillor Martin Smart both raised questions about how much water would be used once it was built.

Officers explained that the proposals were an example of a “highly efficient building” in terms of its water usage, highlighting the plans to collect water on the building roof.

The plans were unanimously approved when put to a vote.

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