Mill Road bus gate construction works to begin

Mill Road during the Winter Fair. Credit: Star Radio.

Works to install the controversial Mill Road bridge bus gate start on Monday 11 November.

It includes resurfacing, the installation of signage, cameras, lining and road markings to warn drivers of the restrictions.

New traffic islands will also be added either side of the bridge as part of the works, which are expected to be completed by Monday 25 November.   

To avoid disruption to road users, most of the work will take place overnight from 7pm until 6am for the duration. A road closure will be in place during those nights.

The following roads will also be partly resurfaced as part of the works overnight on Wednesday 13 November through to Friday 15 November:

  • Kingston Street
  • Headly Street
  • Great Eastern Street
  • Argyle Street
  • Devonshire Road

During the closure, access will remain for emergency services and buses, except for buses on Wednesday 13 November through to Friday 15 November (buses will be allowed through until 9pm). 

Pedestrians and cyclists will be able to use the route while works take place, although cyclists will be asked to dismount and use the pavement at times. A diversion will be in place for all other traffic. Vehicle access to properties will be maintained for residents throughout the works.  

Ahead of the gate coming into force, Blue badge holders are being advised to register up to two vehicles for exemption via an application form online, which is available on Cambridgeshire County Council's website.

The County Council have told Star Radio the bus gate is expected to come into operation after the Mill Road Winter Fair.

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