On Air Now The Star Weekend 4:00pm - Midnight
Now Playing Florence And The Machine Spectrum

Masked Men Break Into Littleport House

Officers were called at about 6.45am on Sunday after a number of masked men forced their way into a home in Victoria Street.

While inside they assaulted a man in his 60s with poles, causing minor injuries.

No arrests have been made and it is not known if anything was taken at this stage.

Detective Sergeant Ashley Ryan, of the force’s southern burglary team, said: “This was a nasty incident which has left the victim understandably shaken.

“We are doing all we can to trace those responsible but are asking anyone with any information to get in touch.”

Anyone with information should contact police either by speaking to a web-chat operator on our website www.cambs.police.uk/report quoting 35/79368/20 or, if you do not have access to a computer, by calling 101.

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