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Man Threatened Shop Staff With Baseball Bat

A man flew into a drunken rage and threatened staff with a baseball bat after being told to leave a Wisbech shop.

Darius Grybauskas, 37, went to NeNe in Lynn Road at about 5.15pm on 17 January.

A member of staff believed they recognised him as having previously been aggressive and stolen from the shop.

Grybauskas left after being confronted by the store manager, but returned a short while later armed with a metal baseball bat.

He threatened the manager and a scuffle ensued before Grybauskas left the store again and police were called.

When officers arrived, they found Grybauskas in an “extremely intoxicated” state, sitting by a wall, with the baseball bat nearby.

He went on to admit threatening a person with an offensive weapon in a public place.

Yesterday (26 August) at Cambridge Crown Court Grybauskas, of Colvile Road, Wisbech, was sentenced to six months in prison, suspended for 18 months. He was also ordered to complete 20 days of rehabilitation activity and 80 hours of unpaid work.

PC David Lovitt said: “Grybauskas showed a complete lack of respect for people who were simply trying to do their job.

“There is absolutely no place for behaviour like this in Cambridgeshire and I’m pleased he has now appeared before the courts.

“If you know someone who carries a weapon please tell us so we can make our communities safer for everyone.”

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