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Jail For Man Who Punched Three In St Neots

A 21-year-old is starting a two year term behind bars.

Nelson Smith, 21, of no fixed abode, was jailed at Cambridge Crown Court after previously pleading guilty to two counts of grievous bodily harm (GBH) with intent and actual bodily harm.

On 14th February Smith was in a pub in Market Square when he punched a 43-year-old man in the face who fell unconscious. The victim was taken to Addenbrookes’ Hospital for treatment and Smith admitted to officers in interview that he was responsible.

On 4 July in Cambridge Street, Smith went to punch a 23-year-old man but missed and instead hit a 23-year-old woman causing her to fall to the ground and lose a tooth. He went on to punch the man too, who fell unconscious into the middle of the road. The pair were taken to Hinchingbrooke Hospital for treatment.

Detective Constable Michael Gray said: “These were nasty assaults by Smith on people he had only met on those occasions.

“Smith had no excuse to behave in the way he did and I hope today’s sentencing brings the victims closure.”

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