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Huntingdon pensioners share good life advice

83-year-old Dawn shares her best life advice

To mark World Mental Health Day, residents at The Chase care home wanted to help anyone who may be struggling.

World Mental Health Day 2023 (Tuesday 10th October) is a day to talk about mental health and show everyone that mental health matters. It’s also a day to let people know that it’s okay to ask for help, no matter what you’re going through.

To mark it, residents at The Chase care home in Huntingdon have come together to share their unique and heart-warming life advice.

With an average age of 85, they have years of wisdom and self-care tips to help younger generations.

Anne (92-years-old): You’ve got to keep your sense of humour; life is too short not to!

Di (77-years-old): Help others whenever you can; it makes the world a better place.

Fred (96-years-old): You’ve got to accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative and latch on to the affirmative.

Monika (79-years-old): Live your life how you want to live it.

Dawn (83-years-old): Animals always cheer me up if I’m feeling down - and they don’t answer back!

Phillip (89-years-old): Keep it simple with water and whisky!

You can find out more about World Mental Health Day here.

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