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Now Playing Katy Perry Firework

House Fire in Huntingdon

At 7.18pm on Sunday (2) one crew from Huntingdon and one crew from Papworth were called to a fire on St Peters Road in Huntingdon.

Firefighters arrived to find a fire in a first floor bedroom of a two storey house. The house was safely evacuated before the crews arrived.

Wearing breathing apparatus the crews extinguished the fire using a hose reel and returned to their stations by 8.25pm.

Watch Commander Stocker Standen, the officer in charge at the scene said: “The damage to the property was limited thanks to early warning from a working smoke alarm. The family had also closed doors within the property, which helped limited the smoke damage.”

The cause of the fire was accidental, from an unattended candle.

Watch Commander Standen added: “We would like to remind people to never leave candles unattended and do not place near combustible items.” 

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