Have your say on Local Plan modifications

A six-week public consultation has begun on proposed modifications to the draft Local Plans for South Cambridgeshire and Cambridge.

Independently-appointed Planning Inspectors have reviewed the two Local Plans submitted by Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council, held hearings and visited sites. They have now asked for a consultation to be carried out on some proposed modifications.

The draft plans make provisions for 44,000 new jobs and 33,500 new homes by 2031. The Inspectors consider the proposed modifications may be necessary to make the two Local Plans ‘sound’. Their final conclusions will be given in their reports in due course.

Between now and 5pm on Friday 16 February, residents, businesses, developers and parishes are being invited to comment on proposed modifications to the plans.

The key modifications include:

  • A method to calculate whether there is enough suitable land readily available in the next five years to meet the number of homes that need to be built
  • Changing policies so affordable housing is sought on sites of more than ten homes. The Government hopes this will encourage more small developments
  • Changes to site boundaries and policies at the proposed new town north of Waterbeach and new village at Bourn Airfield
  • Allocation of additional employment land at the Addenbrooke’s Campus
  • A new policy to say we will begin to review the Local Plans in 2019 with a view to preparing a joint Local Plan for both Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire. This was a commitment the two councils had already made as part of the Greater Cambridge Partnership agreement with Government

Cllr Robert Turner, South Cambridgeshire District Council’s Cabinet Member for Planning, said: “We are very keen for our communities to tell us what they think about these proposed modifications to our emerging Local Plan. We’ve been working with them for several years to shape the Plan into the document it is at this point. It’s important to remember that the consultation is only asking for views on specific modifications, and the Inspectors are not re-opening any debate they’ve already heard during their examination.”

Cllr Kevin Blencowe, Cambridge City Council’s Executive Member for Planning Policy and Transport, said: “The Local Plan process has been complex and lengthy but we have now reached an important milestone in the process. Reaching this point means that we are closer to enabling the development that will help to provide much needed new housing and jobs. People have a chance to give their views on the proposed modifications to our emerging Local Plans and I would urge everyone with opinions on these modifications to take this opportunity to have their say.”

To view the full list of modifications and take part in the public consultation, visit www.scambs.gov.uk/mainmods or https://www.cambridge.gov.uk/local-plan-review-consultations

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