"Growing concern" over e-scooter fires in Cambridgeshire

Photo: Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue

Firefighters have said there is concern over the number of incidents.

There were three fires recorded in Cambridgeshire in 2023, caused by faulty e-scooter or e-bike lithium-ion batteries.

One was recorded in 2022, one in 2021, and four in 2020.

However, Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue has said that those numbers may have been underreported.

Jon Anderson, assistant chief fire officer, said as the devices become more popular, there is "growing national concern" about these batteries being involved in fires.

He said in London the fire service is being called out to one fire every two days, and warned "you can see where this is heading".

Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue has said it is working to prevent fires caused by e-bikes and e-scooters, while also training firefighters on how to tackle "e-fires".

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