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Further sentence for prisoner

A MAN who viciously assaulted a fellow inmate has been handed a further sentence.

Ramone Brannon, 24, of HMP Peterborough pleaded guilty to grievous bodily harm at Cambridge Crown Court yesterday (September 4) and was handed 30 months in jail which will be served on top of his current sentence.


The offence occurred on December 5 last year at HMP Peterborough when Brannon called the victim, who is in his 20s, over to him.


After approaching him, Brannon grabbed the victim by the head and used a homemade weapon consisting of two razor blades fused onto a toothbrush to leave an 8cm laceration on his cheek.


Brannon initially denied any involvement but after further questioning he admitted to the offence.


PC Callum Orchard said: “Violence of any kind will not be tolerated and action will be taken for any offenders.


“This was a particularly nasty assault and the victim has been seriously affected by the incident, I hope that this sentence will install a sense of justice.”

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