Fundraising kicks off for 'blue light' tournament

POLICE officers will join emergency service colleagues to play a fund-raising football tournament at the ABAX Stadium in Peterborough.

The Blue Light Football Tournament on Friday, May 26, will feature police, ambulance and fire service teams, and a veterans’ side comprising all three services.


The latter will include Deputy Chief Constable Alan Baldwin and Assistant Chief Fire Officer Rick Hylton.


It will raise money for the Road Victims Trust, which offers a range of free support services to residents of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire who have been affected by fatal road collisions.


Spectators are welcome but are asked to make a contribution to the cause via the event’s Just Giving page HERE, or at the stadium on the day.


DCC Baldwin said: “In our daily lives, fatal road collisions are often presented as statistics but it’s important to remember that every one of those crashes has had a devastating impact on the family and friends of the victim.


“The Trust provides information alongside emotional and practical support to people who are most likely going through a rollercoaster of emotions and feeling bewildered and distressed.


“As emergency services who deal with the aftermath of these terrible events it is particularly apt that we show our support and raise money for this charity.


“The tournament will be a fun and entertaining event in a great stadium and I would like to thank Peterborough United for allowing us to use the facilities as well as all the players who have agreed to take part. I hope to see as many people there as possible.”


The event will begin at 10am and there will be a presentation to the winning team at the end.


If successful, the event could become an annual event.

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