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Closure Order For Cambridge Home

House in city issued with a closure order following police action.

The order was issued to 37 Aragon Close on Thursday (24 October) after a successful application from police to Cambridge Magistrates’ Court.

The action came as a result of reports of anti-social behaviour, drug use and dealing linked to people visiting the property.

Officers obtained evidence and legal advice before issuing a closure notice to close the premises to anyone other than the legal occupants on 23 October.

The following day an application was made to Cambridge Magistrates’ Court for a full closure order to be granted, which was successful and issued today thereby closing the premises for three months.

PC Dan Scott from the City North Neighbourhood Team said: “Over recent months we have received a consistent flow of information about this property. Residents feel threatened and anxious which isn’t acceptable on their own doorsteps.

“A closure order was necessary and the only avenue which will give some rest bite to the local residents.”

The closure orders state the house be closed in accordance with the Anti-Social Behaviour Crime and Policing Act 2014 and only permits access to the tenants and emergency services for three months. If anyone else is found on the premises unlawfully they render themselves liable to arrest.

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