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Chatteris Drug Dealer Ordered To Carry Out ‘Unpaid Work’

A drug dealer found with almost £2,000 worth of cannabis in Chatteris has been ordered to complete 220 hours of unpaid work.

In October last year (2020), the Fenland Neighbourhood Policing Team carried out a warrant at 34-year-old Kenneth Drew’s former home on the Wenny Estate in Chatteris.

The team found Drew inside the house, in reach of 31 pre-bagged deals of cannabis ready to distribute, as well as a bulk of the class B drug in the kitchen.

Drew, of Alma Chase in Terrington St Clement, King’s Lynn, was charged with possession with intent to supply cannabis which he admitted in court.

He appeared at Peterborough Magistrates’ Court  where he was sentenced to five months in prison, suspended for a year, as well as being made to carry out 220 hours of unpaid work within the next year.

Sergeant Richard Lugg, from the Fenland Neighbourhood Policing Team, said: “We know that drug dealing and use is a concern for our communities. This is the latest court result from continual policing interventions across Fenland targeted towards stopping children from being exposed to drugs.

“To help us keep people safe from drug use and exploitation I would ask our communities report any concerns or suspicions they may have to us. The more we know the more we can do.”

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