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Cambridge Parking Charges Set For Increase

Proposals for rises in on-street parking charges in Cambridge are being discussed on Tuesday (21st January) by councillors.

The suggestions include new charges for on-street parking in Cambridge, which were last increased in April 2018 and it was agreed they would be reviewed annually.

The County Council proposes to increase on-street parking fees to encourage more sustainable methods of transport. 

Cambridgeshire's Chair of the Highways and Infrastructure Committee, Councillor Mathew Shuter, said: “These sorts of decisions are never taken lightly, but we agreed we’d review the parking charges regularly to avoid a substantial increase and given the limited capacity in the city centre there is no easy solution to this challenge.  
“We realise there will always be people that need to drive into the city for one reason or another and these proposals are not about punishing commuters and visitors, but we’re passionate about continuing to strive to reduce congestion and improving air quality for everyone.”

There are no plans to make any changes to the Park&Ride service – parking will remain free – using the Park&Ride to access the city centre is the cheaper option.  

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