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Cambridge Burglar Handed Four Years Behind Bars

A burglar has been jailed for four years after CCTV caught him targeting homes and cars in and around Cambridge.

Andrew Clay, 42, was caught on camera smashing the window of a Nissan Leaf in Albemarle Way, Cambridge, with a screwdriver and stealing £10 from inside on 5 March.

The following night he was again spotted on camera, this time smashing the window of a Vauxhall Vivaro in Ditton Fields, Cambridge, before stealing £12, chewing gum and a driving licence.

After breaking into the car Clay tried the door handle of the house it was parked in front of and, when that was unsuccessful, tried to get in through a backdoor, which was also locked.

In the early hours of 26 March, CCTV captured him approaching a house in The Sycamores, Milton, ringing the doorbell and trying the door handle.

That same day a laptop, wallet, bank cards and cash were stolen from a house in The Rowans, Milton, after a patio door was left unlocked.

Clay was arrested at just after midday on 26 March after he was identified as a suspect for the offences earlier that month.

Officers seized several items of clothing which matched those seen on CCTV during the offences in Albemarle Way, Ditton Fields and The Sycamores.

Further investigations revealed he was also in the area of the burglary on 26 March at the rough time it occurred.

Clay, of Jack Warren Green, Cambridge, was sentenced at Cambridge Crown Court after pleading guilty to burglary, two counts of attempted burglary and two counts of theft from a motor vehicle.

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