*Update* Appeal to locate missing woman

Angel Jones

POLICE are appealing for the public’s help to locate a woman who has gone missing from her home in Cambourne.

***Thank you for your assistance and for sharing this appeal. Angel Jones has now been found safe and well***

Angel Jones, 43, was last seen leaving her home in School Lane, after discharging herself from Addenbrooke’s Hospital earlier this afternoon.

Police are growing increasingly concerned for her welfare and urge anyone who has seen her or knows where she may be to contact them as a matter of urgency.

Angel is described as white, 5’7”, slim, with very long brown hair. She was last seen wearing black leggings, brown cardigan and ‘Ugg’ style boots. She also walks with a stick.

Anyone who has seen Angel, or knows of her whereabouts, is asked to contact police immediately on 101.

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