All new basketball camp for young hotshots this Easter

Young residents can bounce into action this Easter and hone their ball skills with a new basketball camp lined up by South Cambridgeshire District Council.

The basketball camp will offer participants the opportunity to work with a Basketball England qualified coach and develop skills in shooting, passing, dribbling, lay-ups and much more, with lots of opportunities to put them into practice in match play.

The camp will take place on Wednesday 5 April, from 10am to 3.30pm, at Swavesey Sports Centre.

The camp costs just £20 per child for the day. If two or more siblings attend, the cost is £18 per person per day.

The Council’s well established holiday camps are suitable for both boys and girls aged 7 to 15 years and are a great way to stay active whilst having fun, learning new skills and making friends.

South Cambridgeshire District Council’s cabinet member for sports, Cllr Mark Howell, said: “Our holiday camps are a fun way to keep our young residents active in the school holidays whilst driving home the importance of keeping fit and living a healthy lifestyle. We’re really pleased to be introducing basketball ball to the programme this year and hope it will help to capture the interest of even more people.

For more information, and to book a place, visit email or call 01954 713070.

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